
Christy Turlington Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Biography, Facts, Family

From the high-fashion runways of Paris to the rural landscapes of Central America, the life of Christy Turlington Burns reads like the pages of a global novel. This supermodel turned humanitarian has graced the cover of countless magazines and the hearts of many, not just for her striking beauty but for her philanthropic endeavours. Below, we walk through the fascinating chapters of Christy Turlington’s life, examining her influences, milestones, and the legacy she continues to shape.

Christy Turlington Biography and Personal Information

Full Name Christy Turlington
Father’s Name Dwain Turlington
Mother’s Name María Elizabeth Turlington
Siblings Name  Kelly Turlington, Erin Turlington
Spouse Name Edward Burns
Date of Birth January 2, 1969
Birth Place Walnut Creek, California, USA
Height 5′ 10″
Weight 56 kg
Body Measurements 33-25-34
Net Worth $

Christy Turlington’s Early Life and Family Background

Christy Turlington came into the world in California on January 2, 1969, and spent her formative years in the sunny State. A pivotal figure in her upbringing was her father, who held a career as a commercial airline pilot. The family had a penchant for travelling, imparting a love of exploration and a broader perspective on the world to Turlington from an early age. Her flight attendant mother balanced the family care, providing a nurturing environment that supported Turlington’s personal and professional development.

Christy Turlington Height, Weight, and Body Measurements

Christy Turlington is renowned for her statuesque frame, which stands at an impressive height and makes her a stand-out figure on the catwalks. Her modelling career was propelled by her height and a rare blend of elegance and poise that defined her on the international stage. With proportionate body measurements that symbolize the classic beauty standard, Turlington’s silhouette has inspired designers and artists alike.

Christy Turlington Relationship and Life Partner

One of the most intriguing aspects of Turlington’s life has been her relationship with her life partner, the accomplished filmmaker Edward Burns. The couple’s romance has outshone the transitory glow of celebrity relationships, enduring the pressures of the limelight and cementing a reputation as one of the industry’s strongest bonds. Their partnership stands as a beacon of harmony between two creatively charged individuals.

Christy Turlington’s Net Worth

Turlington has accumulated a substantial net worth throughout her career, reflecting her success in the modelling industry and her savvy investment in various business ventures. Beyond the glitz of the fashion world, her entrepreneurial spirit has led her to establish her brands and pursue humanitarian projects, broadening her financial portfolio with ventures that reflect her convictions and values.

Christy Turlington Social Profiles

In this interconnected world, Christy Turlington extends her presence beyond photo shoots and fashion shows via social media platforms. Curating a digital space that provides a glimpse into her professional and personal life, Turlington’s social profiles are a testament to her adaptability within a constantly evolving online landscape. She leverages these platforms as an extension of her public image and as tools for advocacy and awareness.

Follow Christy Turlington on Social Media:

Christy Turlington Contact Information

For those seeking a direct line to Christy Turlington, her contact information is a gateway to engaging in potentially meaningful conversations or partnerships. A clear contact path is a hallmark of her approachable yet purposeful persona, whether for press inquiries, business collaborations, or charitable commitments.

Contact Christy Turlington:

  • Email Address:
  • Phone Number: +1 (212) 555-0122

Christy Turlington Burns has weaved her story as a model and a champion for women’s health and empowerment. Her commitment to missions such as Every Mother Counts has highlighted her as a force for good, transcending the traditional boundaries of her industry. Through her classic beauty and timeless grace, Turlington has made an indelible mark that continues to inspire on and off the runway.

United by a drive to make a difference, Christy Turlington’s tale mixes the athlete’s determination, the artist’s creativity, and the altruist’s heart, showing that one life can touch countless others, like a pebble’s ripple on a serene pond. Turlington’s biography guides those who aspire to blend personal success with profound societal impact, illuminating a path of purpose and achievement.

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